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Content Creation: 7 Mistakes To Avoid

February 20, 2024

Creating content isn’t an easy task at all. There is always room for improvement. I remember the first time I set out to write a blog content. Oh my, it was pretty shallow and well I didn’t do a good job at it. There were lots of mistakes I made that I had to take note of. The thing is, there are common mistakes most content creators make. You too could be making them. Avoiding these mistakes has made me a better content marketer.

What are these 7 mistakes to avoid in content marketing? Read further.

NOT KNOWING YOUR AUDIENCE: Your content isn’t meant for you. It is for your audience. If your audience doesn’t like and is not interested in your content, everything you have done and will continue to do afterwards will be a total waste of time. Take the time out to understand your audience. Know their needs and give them what they want. Many make the mistake of just writing something that is interesting to them. Consumers hold the power. When writing a content, be able to identify who your target audience is and write to them.

FORGETTING TO PROMOTE: Remember one of the P’s of marketing is Promoting. So when your write and do not promote your content on social media, you just did content without marketing. Social media is where your audience lives, eat, sleep, play and most importantly, share. It is everything to your audience or almost. If your content must reach its audience, promote it on social media. P.S Knowing your audience is crucial to know what social media platform to promote on

TYPOS: I personally really don’t like this one. No matter how interesting your blog content is, too many typos tend to reduce interest and credibility. Yes! Even the best of us make this mistake but it is easily handled. Before releasing content to the public, check for typos. Have an editorial team review your work over and over again till there is very little or preferably no typo.

NOT USING PHOTOS: It is written, the brain produces images 60,000x faster than text. Images are engaging. The more images on your post, the more engaging and interesting it gets.

WRONG POST TITLE: The most important part of your post is the title. Everyone who clicks your on your post did so because your post title was that engaging. More people will see your post title than your post itself. To get the most of those people to read your blog post, use catchy and engaging post

NO COMMENT BOX INTERACTION: Your audience wants to know that you understand their needs and they also want you to know that you have reached them.They might ask questions or make some sort of comment in the comment box. When you see this, take the time to acknowledge your audience. It builds a really personal relationship with your audience. The key emotional factor in marketing is trust and this is where you build trust. Conversations are healthy. Indulge.

LACK OF ANALYTICS: You know how you just put a post out there and you are excited with the view count. Well with content marketing, view-count is just one metric that matters but not the only metric. Take time to monitor your metrics such as bounce rates, dwell time and traffic sources. Monitoring your metrics lets you know what it is you are doing right and what it is you should improve I hope these tips are useful to you and can help improve your content creating skills. If you want to share some more tips that could help the content marketer, please do so in the comment box. We love to hear from you.

GTECH Designs is a Baltimore-based digital marketing agency that is committed to helping impact-makers spend more time doing good. For more information, contact us at 410-775-4011, email us at [email protected], or get in touch with us via :

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